How to use ChatGPT to find SEO keywords ? Step by Step Guide

What are SEO Keywords and Why SEO Keywords Matter ? 

SEO keywords are the words people type into search engines to find information, products, or services. They help google crawlers to understand what your website is about. Using the right keywords means more people will visit your site, boosting your visibility and traffic. SEO keywords match what people are looking for with what you offer. They help you get found online and achieve your business goals.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding SEO Keywords with ChatGPT

Step 1: Defining Your Niche

Choosing the right niche starts with what you love and know well. Pick topics that interest you and where you have some experience. Check if many people search for this topic online. Finally, see if you can make money from it through ads, sales, or affiliate marketing.

Prompt for Defining the right niche 

‘’ ChatGPT, I need help defining the right niche for my content. Can you help me brainstorm topics that I love and have experience with? Also, can you suggest ways to check the demand for these topics online? ‘’

Step 2: Generating Initial Keyword Ideas

To come up with keyword ideas, start by thinking about the main topics you want to cover. For example, if you’re focusing on full stack web development, you might use keywords like “full stack development tutorial,” “JavaScript full stack guide,” and “Node.js beginner tutorial.” Consider specific areas in your niche that people might search for, such as tutorials, tips, project examples, and best practices. Think about what beginners or advanced users might look for. Use tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to see how often these keywords are searched and find similar terms people are looking for. This way, you can find popular keywords to help your content reach more people.

Prompt for  Generating Initial Keyword Ideas

‘’Please help me brainstorm initial keyword ideas for my content on [specific topic or niche]. I’m focusing on areas such as [list a few areas or subtopics]. I need a list of relevant and popular keywords that can attract both beginners and advanced users. Also, suggest any tools I can use to check the search volume for these keywords.’’

Step 3: Analyzing Keyword Relevance

To see if keywords are good for your content, first check if they fit what you’re making and what your audience wants. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find out how many people search for these keywords each month. Also, look at how many other websites are trying to rank for these keywords. Pick keywords that many people search for but not too many websites use.

Prompt for Analyzing Keyword Relevance

“Please help me analyze the relevance and competitiveness of these keywords for my content on [specific topic or niche]. I need to know if they match what my audience is searching for and how many other websites are targeting these keywords. Suggest tools to check search volume and competition levels, and advise on choosing the best keywords.”

Step 4: Expanding Your Keyword List

To expand and refine your keyword list, use a few easy methods. First, think of related topics and synonyms for your main keywords. For example, if your keyword is “full stack development,” consider terms like “web development,” “backend development,” or “frontend coding.” Use tools like Answer the Public or Ubersuggest to find common questions and phrases people search for. Also, check what keywords your competitors use and see if there are any you missed. This will give you a bigger and more focused list of keywords for your content.

Prompt for  Expanding Your Keyword List

“Please help me expand and refine my keyword list for my content on [specific topic or niche]. I need related topics, synonyms, and common questions people search for. Also, suggest ways to find keywords my competitors are using so I can create a more comprehensive list.’’

Step 5: Finalizing Your Keyword Strategy

To create a strong keyword strategy, first pick the best keywords from your list. Make sure they fit your content and what your audience wants. Group your keywords by topics or themes to help you organize your content. Use these keywords in your titles, headings, and throughout your content to boost search engine rankings. Regularly check and update your keyword strategy to stay current with trends and keep your content relevant.

Prompt for Finalizing Your Keyword Strategy

“Please help me finalize my keyword strategy for my content on [specific topic or niche]. I need to know how to choose the best keywords, group them by themes, and use them effectively in my content. Also, suggest how to regularly review and update my keyword strategy to keep it current.”

Related Information: Does Google continue to use keywords for SEO purposes?

Personal Experience: How I Used ChatGPT to Find SEO Keywords

I used ChatGPT to help me find SEO keywords for my website. First, I asked it to brainstorm keyword ideas based on my topic. Then, I asked for help analyzing which keywords were the most relevant and had the right balance of search volume and competition. ChatGPT also suggested tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to check these keywords. Finally, I used ChatGPT to expand my keyword list and create a strategy for using them in my content. This made it easier for my website to rank higher in search results.

Ready to Boost Your SEO? Explore Our Keyword Research Services Now!

Ready to improve your SEO? Check out our keyword research services today! Click here to explore how we can help you find the best keywords for your website and boost your search rankings.

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