Professional Keyword Research Services to Enhance Your SEO Strategy

Keyword Research Services: Capture Keywords That Convert

Keyword Research Services: Capture Keywords That Convert

Finding the right keywords is important for any successful online business. Our keyword research services help you to find the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your business. Our team of seo experts uses the latest tools and techniques to identify search volumes, competition levels, and audience intent which definitely helps your business growth. Now you can optimize your content, ads, and overall online presence to attract your ideal customers and increase multiple times your revenue. Let’s begin to help you in identifying profitable keywords that will convert.



Why Keyword Research is Essential for Your SEO?

Why Keyword Research is Essential for Your SEO?

Keyword research is the base of SEO strategy. First you must know what words and phrases your audience is finding when searching for any products or services.
You can analyze the actual user search behavior by analyzing those relevant keywords they want to look for.This first step increases the chances of your web pages starting to show top positions for those keywords. Without keyword research, your content might not be relevant to your target audience or meet their search needs. It's very important to spend time on detailed keyword research. This helps attract the right people and traffic to your website.
During keyword research, focus on these points:

  • Relevancy: How well the search results match what the searcher is looking for.
  • Search Intent: When a user enters a query into a search engine, the main goal is to find the answer.
  • Audience Targeting: Are people want to be attracted to your website.
  • Competitive Advantage: It gives a competitive advantage in the online market.

What do our keyword research services include?

High-Intent, Conversion-Focused Keywords

These types of keywords have a high level of buying intent or interest in your products/services.We identify keywords to help you target the most engaged buyers and increase conversions of websites.

Long-Tail, Less Competitive Keywords

In addition to famous keywords, we identify long-tail which have normally low competition. Even though these get less overall traffic, they are very relevant and one of the easiest ways to rank.

High-Traffic Keywords

Our team also finds high volume keywords which are normally short tail keywords. These keywords have actually very high traffic but have high competition as well. But, once you rank any single keyword then it provides you with long term results.

Local and Regional Keywords

We focus on local and geographic keywords for local businesses. These keywords help you to reach the exact local people like looking for solutions near them e.g pizza near me, best mobile shops near me etc.

Commercial and Transactional Keywords

Those users who have commercial intent like want to purchase something then we find keywords with clear commercial intent like "buy," "purchase," or "pricing" for those people who have made a buying decision.

Informational Keywords for Blogging

In our keyword Research, informational keywords are also included for those users who are good readers and want to read the articles or latest news of their ideal topic e.g what is , why, how etc.

You’ve Finally Found the Right Agency to grow your Business

SEO Thrive Services might have the SEO solutions you’ve been looking for.  With our information-based implementations and constant commitment to your success, you can begin on a path to outstanding growth and online power.

Rank for keywords that bring high-value visitors

Your customers are looking for you right now — will they find your website

The reality is that people  will not find you online easily if your website does not appear in search results (SERPS ). Now, the world is digital, everybody uses their smartphones so that’s why it is very important to be visible to search engines which is almost  as important as any physical business. Let's suppose if you have the best products or services, but without proper visibility on search engines no one will know that your business exists. That is the main reason intent based keywords are very important for any type of business even if their physical appearance is very strong. When people search for words related to your business, make sure your business shows up in the search results.




Site Review

We begin with an audit by reviewing the keywords you currently use in your content. In this step we can identify the weaknesses and strengths of your website  for the purpose of improvement on search results.


Competitor Review

After auditing, Next we do a complete analysis to decide which keywords your top competitors are targeting. But, you are not ranking on the same keywords. In this step, we find new opportunities for keywords from competitors.


Niche Review

When anyone is looking for solutions or purchasing intent related to your niche then it is important to go complete research on industry based research. In this process, we find the search terms people regularly use for a specific niche.



Now, the next step of our team is to filter all those keywords which are intent based, their keyword difficulty as well as how much traffic of those keywords.  We work for those keywords that are most relevant to your goals.



After completing every step, now we make a report which mentions all our research. Easy-to-understand reports that clearly mention those filtered and searched keywords as well as we provide you with the recommendations.

Your customers are looking for you right now — will they find your website?

Rank for keywords that bring high-value visitors

Ranking for random keywords is not useful. You want to target those keywords which attract the right audience to your site. So, if you want the right audience to come to the site your first step should be target intent based keywords that you integrate into the website's content. For example, Just imagine  that your website is about an ice cream shop. Now you need to be sure that more people who like ice cream know about  your business and come  to buy ice-cream. On the internet, we use "keywords." These keywords should be relevant to your business and based on user intent. You can’t use random keywords, you should use the right keywords for the right audience.

Keyword Research Agency

Why Use a Keyword Research Agency When You Can Use Keyword Research Software?

If you have the new business and you don’t know how to make your business come visible on search engines. In this scenario, you should hire a keyword research agency. An agency knows how to find opportunities, analyze the right audience, and research intent-based keywords that deliver results. From competition research to content optimization, an agency provides  that tool or software that can't give you such value. No tool in the world gives perfect results; they all provide information based on their own algorithms. Finally, a keyword research specialist helps you to increase visibility and in the future gives you conversion based results which multiple times increase your revenue. 

SEO Thrive Services for SEO Keyword Research Services

Why Choose SEO Thrive Services for SEO Keyword Research Services

At SEO Thrive Services, our first step is to understand your business, target audience, and goals thoroughly. We find how many keywords the business is ranking for the weaknesses and strengths of keywords properly. This helps us to analyze the most relevant and profitable  keywords that increase traffic on their intent based. If their business is product or service based then target those commercial or transactional queries which can convert. We use the latest methods in which you can compete with your competitors. Finally, in our report and after advice, you can easily use those keywords that we have searched for your website for growth and online visibility.


Keyword Research Service Packages

Service PlanBasic PlanStandard PlanPremium Plan
Keyword Analysis
Number of Keywords2050100
Competitor Analysis
Number of Competitors Researched125
LSI Keyword Research
Long-Tail Keywords
Website Audit
Monthly Reports
Action Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

In Keyword research services, the services providers find the best most effective keywords for your business to target for rankings. This process includes finding high-volume, low-competition keywords in which your audience is searching on a daily basis.

The cost of keyword research depends upon the complexity and scope of the project. Normally, prices range from $100 to $1,000 or more, depending on the depth of analysis and the expertise of the SEO provider.

A keyword researcher first starts to analyze the most effective keywords for a website or business according to a specific field. During this work, researchers then search trends, competition, and audience behavior to find keywords for improving your business rankings.

The best keyword research totally depends on search volumes, competition levels, and highly intentful queries. So, it must include both short-tail and long-tail keywords to cover a broad range of search queries.

To find the most profitable keywords, you use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to analyze search volumes and competition. But,must focus on keywords with high search volume and low competition, and implement the commercial intent behind the keywords.

The most searched keyword changes over time and for different industries. Basically, keywords related to popular topics or events, such as “weather,” “news,” or “how to,” tend to have high search volumes. For specific data, refer to keyword research tools.

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